July 25th, 2012

[info]seizingramen in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hiatus/Slowatus thingy

Right after I app a new character, I am such a champ. Anyways.

My buddy Tsu is coming up from Texas to visit me for two weeks! So I'll probably be too busy frolicking around with her (and trying to enable her to join Kiseki, ufufufu) to get a ton of tagging done. I will probably try to get a few done here and there, but expect lots of backtags from me. I don't think I'll be tagging into much that's new, unless someone really wants me in a certain thread, in which case let me know!

THANKS FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY SLOW, GUYS. This will affect Hana ([info]seizingramen) and Fuuma Monou ([info]bornforyou). I'll be busy from the 25th of July to the 8th of August. Feel free to drop me a private plurk or email if you need me!