July 15th, 2012

[info]moodforadance in [info]kiseki_ooc

I CAN'T BE WITHOUT MY LIFE I CAN'T BE WITHOUT MY SOUL and I can't be without Gigei's crazy.

Nina bringing back Gigei. Friend add moodforadance o/

[info]seizingramen in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hello Kiseki! Treva here, adding to JL's never ending battle to keep the character list up to date, with Hana from Gate 7! I am spazzing out about the idea of playing someone who isn't Fuuma, so forgive me if I struggle a bit with her. BUT I ALSO DEMAND LOTS OF FEEDBACK NEXT HMD MEME. Seriously even if you have negative crit for me it will make me feel better than nothing at all. Though you guys are all good about that. Anyways.

So yes, friend add seizingramen and all that jazz!