December 7th, 2011

[info]bythatsin in [info]kiseki_ooc

Yet another drop because I suck.

Hi guys, so, I guess this probably isn't wholly unexpected... but I'll be dropping Arashi. I can fully admit to being that asshole who played a character mostly for the OTP. And, in Arashi's case, developing her and building CR without the presence of Sorata (to whom Arashi owes almost all of her development in canon) would take a lot of time and effort that I honestly can't see myself devoting to at this time.

I'm very sorry for those of you with whom she'd begun to build CR. I did have fun playing her, but for now... I'm going to spam your flists with excuses. Like a boss.

friend remove tsunpocalypse

[info]toneverdying in [info]kiseki_ooc

Not a drop :|

Just a tiny hiatus announcement! I'm horribly behind on tags still and I'm too tired/drained to do them now, and it might be the same until the weekend, when I get the computer at work back. Sorry I've sucked so much fff x_x;;