August 11th, 2011

[info]alittledove in [info]kiseki_ooc

☀ Hullooooo~!

So I just can't quit this place entirely. I blame JL and Ana entirely for all of their enabling ways. ;A;

I'm Kitten! For those who don't know me, and I am going to be re-picking up this little dove here, Kobato Hanato! I'm back, and hopefully with less fail on my part OTL. I'm excited to get the chance to play with everyone again! She's been canon updated to chapter 20 (Love), so I think that will make things interesting for her with all her recent realizations.

Looking forward to getting the chance to play with everyone again! My computer is currently only working in safe mode and I can't redownload MSN. But I do already have AIM! And google. If needed I can be reached on either of those at aibyoukaonigiri. In addition I also have plurk! (Kittendreamz) I use that for both RP and for personal stuffs just as an FYI!


- Kitten