July 7th, 2011

[info]swan_song in [info]kiseki_ooc

Derp time!

Not like anyone didn't notice, but I've been failing pretty epically for way too long now, and I have needed a big kick in the pants for it. So. Hi! This is step one in Project: Kick in the Pants.

I really just gotta apologize profusely for all my neglectful behavior. I know I ended up owing several tags from last month and longer than that for quite a few of you. If you've had those opened or waiting at all, I'm really sorry, I may not get back to them right away as my main priority is going to be to re-establish my characters back in by tagging recent posts. I'm going to go ahead and handwave their presences in the last event if that's okay with everyone.

Other than that... if anyone has any specifics to run by me about things that happened that I've missed, please please please IM me or private plurk me. Everyone is here, I'll be jumping in, perhaps slowly, but surely.

Provided all that goes well, I'll tackle old old backtags accordingly. THANKS FOR PUTTING UP WITH ALL THIS you ladies are the best forever.

[info]enigmatics in [info]kiseki_ooc


Apparently this is Val apps everywhere month.......

Anyway, hello Kiseki! I'm Val, and I'll be bringing you Fay from TRC, pre-Tokyo (so he's all happy and fluffy and not emo and one-eyed). You can thank (blame?) Robin and Ana for this. xD

The admin console pretty much hates me, so if I added you all five times (is that even possible) please ignore. OTL Uhhh....I haven't played Fay in some time so I'm rusty, and I probably won't be doing any sort of intro until next week because I have a midterm on Monday I haven't started studying for. 8D

/the best student, really

If you'd like to contact me, you can do so via AIM (lustergrl01) or plurk! I do tend to be on the latter more often though.