June 21st, 2011

[info]lolpocalypse in [info]kiseki_ooc

hey guys...it's me again. i know this makes me a massive bucket of fail, especially since i kind of totally disappeared lately, but i actually need to put myself back on hiatus for around another week and a half. aside from all the animation/art stuff i've got going on lately outside of work, my er fhjkh i guess i should call him my boyfriend now is leaving the country in a week for a four-month trip, so i'm trying to see as much of him as possible 'til then

i'm afraid i'll have to drop ferio, too. i'll be having more free time starting next weekish, but probably not as much as i'm hoping for, so three characters is a little much. i haven't been doing nearly enough with him anyway ;; i'm really sorry guys especially andrea, arrgh ;;

friend remove giantsword

other than that, i'll be back soon with umi and sorata. unless my activity is really horrendously unacceptable and i need a stern talking to and/or flogging. which would be totally understandable. i'm so sorry ><;;;