October 1st, 2010

[info]mataaerumade in [info]kiseki_ooc

Suddenly, all the puppies dropped.

I'd really hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I have way too much work this semester and even if I can keep up, activity-wise, it's really stressful to do so with six characters. So, for the time being - at least until December when I'm done with my thesis - I'll have to let two of my characters go. It was really hard to decide, and I'm really, really sorry to everyone, especially those who had CR with them.

In the admin console:
friend remove littlepuppylove
friend remove littlewanwan

But now clonkey gets to be with Sakura? :D;;; And I probably totally doomed myself with Yuzu's last entry, derp. That was definitely not my intention, sob.

Sob I haven't dropped anyone since January ;__;