September 3rd, 2010

[info]mommylovesyou in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hi ladies, this is Andrea, and this post is actually quite redundant since JL already made an Add/Remove list. Consequently, as you may have noticed, I've decided that I'm probably never again going to get another chance to play with so many Seishirous, and such a large and wonderful X cast in general. Plus I miss being crazy.

The best mother ever will make her reappearance as soon as I've done something about her ugly icons.

[info]maincourse in [info]kiseki_ooc


The game clearly needs moar emo. And moar vampires. So here, have Fay from the beginning of the Infinity arc :|b Meaning, from before the first chapter we see of the arc but from after they've arrived, decided to sign up for the Chess tournament, etc.

He'll be posting soon \o\ /o/