August 20th, 2010

[info]tldring in [info]kiseki_ooc

I'm going to France!

So, hiatus from today until the 27th! My dorks are all staying.

I'll have access to internet there, so rest assure, I will stalk you guys o3o

[info]didyouknowthat in [info]kiseki_ooc

sup kiseki! i wanted to apologize for major tag slowness lately ;; i feel hella lame about this since fdhdgkfs I JUST JOINED, but i also just unexpectedly received a serious business!commission (*A*;;;) and, uh. getting that done is proooobably gonna be important ;; i wanna try to do some tagging too, but i'll be pretty slow for a while! 2 weeks at most since that's when it has to be finished |D

TL;DR, brb art! slowatus-y thing time! i hope no one minds backtagging \;A;/