August 17th, 2010

[info]bornofwaves in [info]kiseki_ooc

Let's fight the good fight

All right, after a long time deliberating and weighting pros and cons and motivation I've decided to give this one last shot. Umi'll be back tomorrow, and I'll see to dealing with the thousand issues on her back one last time. If it works, then I'll be the first one to feel accomplished and happy. If it doesn't, well. At least I won't be thinking I wasted one last chance to make it right.

If all goes well I'll have more time in my hands now grad school will be kicking into schedule and more possibilities to improve communications and be generally more in touch with the game. The new comp I'm getting shouldn't hate MSN or Trillian with a passion like this one and might well let me be there for game-related chat.