June 22nd, 2010

[info]excusemeimsorry in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey guys., it's Capp.
So, uh... I've been thinking about this for a while now, and after another re-read, I finally decided to drop Subaru. Ever since I've picked him up I've been really shaky and uncomfortable with him, and it's not going away, so :(

friend remove excusemeimsorry

I don't tag a lot with him and I feel like I'm just letting everyone down, since he's such an important character and could have amazing CR. Also, I really don't want to keep playing him if there's someone else who might want to, and might do it better than me and really love him and fhgdfhjd I should have probably done this a while ago.

I apologize to everyone this affects ;;  /has never dropped a character before orz

[info]serenesouffle in [info]kiseki_ooc


So I'm off home from uni this Friday - the dreaded train journey home with the luggage-mountain - and on Sunday I'm off to Dubai and Australia for three/four weeks. Since idk if I'll have a connection in the land of Oz, I'm calling full-hiatus until late July.

Also, Yuui's going home for the hiatus/leaving Kiseki. (Just in time for the school to take a summer break? ;;;) When he comes back I'll be a hell of a lot less busy, so hopefully The Great Fail I've been just recently will be good and gone.

See you all later~!  

