June 12th, 2010

[info]ex_angelical74 in [info]kiseki_ooc



SOME OF YOU MIGHT REMEMBER ME. SOME MAY NOT. I'm this one stupid flake who left like ... six or seven months ago, idek anymore BUT NOW I AM BACK WITH ... FLAILING AND DERPY AVENGENCE. To those you who do not know me, I am Maria and I am the village idiot of Kiseki 8') it's really, really nice to meet all those of you who I didn't know before! I'm really looking forward to playing with you all~

So here I am with the derpiest angel, Kohaku c: she's in your Kiseki, panicking herself into a right old tizzy.

Please friend add angelically

[info]nowindowsforyou in [info]kiseki_ooc

Okay, guys...

After a lot of thought and a lot of watching myself lose motivation, I'm dropping Kuro-sensei. He's been a blast to play, but when I have to prod myself harder and harder to go tag with him, it's time to let go.

Thanks to all of you for the great threads, the great times, and for being there during some rough patches in my life - I came into Kiseki shortly after an unexpected and massive upset to my personal world order, and you guys became the support I needed then, and you guys kept supporting me through all the crap that went on in the last year. So, thank you so much, I don't know if I could have done it without you guys.

See you guys around MSN and the internets, and keep being cool.

[info]raaawr in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey guys. I've been thinking of doing this for a while, but I think the latest chapter cinched a decision that was practically made already. Dropping this guy again, really sorry :(

But hey, I'll app a pretty girl once my activity's more constant to make up for it.

/flies away