May 3rd, 2010

[info]wantyoutolive in [info]kiseki_ooc

Ohohohoho /o/

I always app characters when I'm on hiatus. HEY GUYS. Robin here, upping her character list to its rightful place of six - I've gone too long with only four, apparently.

I'll be bringing in Hokuto Sumeragi this week, after I've moved back home (on Wednesday, so she should show up around Thursday, most likely). This'll give Ana enough time to make icons for me. Until then, I'm a creepy ghost.

So please friend add wantyoutolive

[info]sapphiresea in [info]kiseki_ooc

/adds to the choir?

Taking a tiny lil' (semi?)hiatus thing for several reasons explained as it follows, some of them the stupidest in the world, some really important:

→ I wanna revamp Umi's icons from scratch [stupid]
→ I have two last effing papers to write before I complete my college career [important]
→ I'm toying with the idea of making a new journal for Umi [stupid]
→ Or at least revamp the old one [stupid]
→ Because I bloody HATE her icon keywords [stupid]

I may still be tagging around though scarcely and slower than usual. This may later evolve into a full hiatus as once I hand in my thesis I plan to party like mad and be very, very tired and happy. /o/