April 5th, 2010

[info]mataaerumade in [info]kiseki_ooc

brb apping three new characters on my hiatus (you know I would)

I know we all know my semi-hiatuses are utter BS but I wanted to put this up anyway:

I'm sick, and with said sickness my motivation has flushed down the toilet. In addition, I have two big papers I need to work on this week, so I'll be a bit MIA, I suspect... unless I am super unproductive (we all know my tendency to get even MORE active when I'm supposedly on "hiatus").

So yes. Sorry for the trouble. I'm definitely going to try and bring Clonkey in as soon as possible - but I'm waiting for motivation to come back and for my number of tags to die down.

TL;DR BUT YES SEMI-HIATUS. This affects Sakura, tiny Cloney, Fuuma, Yuzu, and Hima.

[info]matteiruhito in [info]kiseki_ooc

Adding to the hiatus bandwagon. I've been really sick the past week or so and work only seemed to be make it ten billion times worse... and my schedule for the next couple of weeks is getting really fucked over again. So calling a tentative hiatus until at least I get back to my normal work week or something. I'm going to try and keep up with posts and threads but... yeah.

Thanks guys. This affects R!Sakura, TRC!Kamui, X!Subaru and Sayaka.

[info]worsthusband in [info]kiseki_ooc

Yo, it's Capp, bringing in Kentarou's lovely groom, Takeshi Shukaidou from Gakuen Tokkei Duklyon~

friend add worsthusband

Edit: btw, I'll post with him once I finish my paper, which will hopefully be today.