March 25th, 2010

[info]papawolf in [info]kiseki_ooc

Moonbei here is also a little slow right now. But, fear not, I'll still be around to make my tags here and there (just realllly slowly). When I get the chance to be active once in a while, I can backdate stuff.

I'll be on slowatus for a while since I've suddenly gone from wanting to be an editor into becoming a head coordinator for my class event at school. *sobs* I've also been trying to get my lazy bum back into the gym to work out so that has been tiring me out as of late. There will be certain days in the week where I'm more free and less tired out than others, so I'll try to get my tags done during those days.

In any case, sorry about the slowatus. I shall be back and kicking strongly when I've gotten the workload to smooth out and lessen. (I am the boss of my class, after all, so I have minions to do the workkkkkk. >8D Okay, no, that sounded horrible.) At the very least, I'll be sure to turn in my app for Ginsei on time. (I'll try! I will certainly get myself to do it! It probably wouldn't be long, any way, given his short known history.)

Well, please take care everyone. I'll be on MSN if you want to chat with me, but I might be either busy chatting to other coordinators and classmates or about to hit the sack. =w= Um... yeah. So, I shall chat with y'all later.

Much love <3
Moonbei o/

[info]chemistryislove in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hiatuses for everyone!

Posting this now because I said so.

Okay, so, tomorrow I'm getting on a plane to Australia (are you taking notes, Ana, Robin, Solana?) and spending the weekend in Perth. It is extremely likely I will have no internet until we leave the city and go out to this little town in the middle of the outback on Sunday. Don't ask me how that works.

So yeah, total hiatus from tomorrow to Sunday, slowatus from then on because I don't bring my laptop to the beach and that is where I will be spending most of my time. This affects Fay-sensei, Chise and Chun Hyang. I'll still be on tonight.

[info]serenesouffle in [info]kiseki_ooc

Almost-full hiatus

As the subject says. I'm busy packing up to get ready to return home from uni for Easter, and I have to clear out my entire room - seriously, you'd never think one person could acquire so much junk -, find somewhere to leave my stuff, drop off a ton more...and then I have to go through the hell that's travelling for by train, with a few changes and luggage. Anyway - I'll be doing next-to-no tagging until Tuesday, and if you see me hanging about too long I really shouldn't be. 
This just affects Yuui.