March 3rd, 2010

[info]alittledove in [info]kiseki_ooc


Hello everyone, I'm kitten! You might or might not have seen me floating around chat of late. o/ (<---- did it right this time ;;;;;)

I'm new to the game and I'm bringing with me Kobato Hanato from Kobato! I've been stalking Kiseki for quite some time and was finally enabled by Ana-bear who's been telling me to join forever. Along with everyone else who was just so friendly and nice. I-I'm really slow, I'm sorry. I'm nervous and excited, so I'm looking forward to playing with everyone.

Err...that's it for now! > ///// <;; I'm bad with introductions, but you can expect an intro post up sometime soon! Also! In my journal (which is forever under construction) I put up a Relationships section as well as a HMD | Contact area too for if you ever need to get in contact with me or have concerns! You can also reach me at or else on AIM or Gtalk which is the same. I'm on those more than anything else. Though recently I downloaded Windows Live Messenger, which also uses my gmail!

A-Anyway! Thanks so much for accepting me and everyone being mega super friendly. I'll do my best! So if you will, please....

friend add alittledove

[info]kanarazu in [info]kiseki_ooc

Guysss, small semi-hiatus for me due to sickness. It'll probably be fine soon, but atm I still feel kinda shitty so I probably won't be around as much.

Affects Real, Clonkey, Mokona, Fay, Dou, CCS!Syao, Yuki, Yue, Hikaru, Sei, and Kusa.