November 23rd, 2009

[info]gin_no_tsuki in [info]kiseki_ooc

Semi-hiatus bandwagon is go!

Okay, I'll just get this out of the way now. @_@ From now until probably mid-January I'm going to be on a weird semi-hiatus. I just haven't had any will to tag lately, but I think that's mostly because I'm so far from home and I'm starting to get pretty lonely and homesick. :( I'll still be around, just... don't expect me to be terribly active. Not that I have been anyway.

The last week in December, starting about the 26, it'll probably move to a total hiatus. My best friend from home is actually flying to Japan to spend New Years with me, and we're going home together on January 5. So that week will probably consist of a lot of sight seeing and shenanigans, and not so much internet time.

Even after I get home, I have to deal with moving back to school and getting settled into classes, so I doubt my activity will be totally back to normal before mid-January. For now, I'll be around, and everyone's staying. I may pull them home that last week of December, but I'll post again once that gets closer.

=( Thanks for being so understanding of all my Fail recently, guys.