November 3rd, 2009

[info]anewsmile in [info]kiseki_ooc

i love the ooc comm. :|

Going on a semi-sorta-hiatus/slow-atus because I suspect school is about to kick me in the face (my politics teacher was radiating DOOM at me yesterday, I'm not even kidding) - I'll still be around and tagging, but I'll just be slow, so forgive me for late tags :( I've also been having major issues with IJ at home - either it hasn't been working at all or it's been slow as a dead snail. I'd tag from school but I can't access Kamui's journal, since the username is offensive to school filters. |D

I'm also trying to right my sleep schedule and foresee a cold approaching, but those are slightly more minor issues. /waves a hand vaguely

This affects post-canon!Fay ([info]anewsmile) and X!Kamui ([info]fuckmyfate). Thanks for your patience, guys. ♥