September 12th, 2009

[info]nantokanaruyo in [info]kiseki_ooc

Okay, I'll do the sensible thing and call a semi-hiatus for a little while ;; Because Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver is simply eating my soul and I'm tagging very little and I'm not even going online nearly as much as usual.

If you can't find me and need me for any reason, please leave a comment at my LJ o/ I definitely check that often, even if I don't log in to MSN or whatever or don't stay online for long.

That is all 8|

I'll probably get all RP crazy when the next TRC chapter is out >_>

[info]gin_no_tsuki in [info]kiseki_ooc

I'm back~ o/

Hi guys!

So, I've been lurking around the OOC LJ comm all week, trying to see how my internet time is going to be, and I think I'm good for bringing Tomoyo and Kero back. I won't be on as much as I was during the summer, but I think that's pretty much true for everyone right now. So! I'm officially off hiatus. =) I'll be bringing Tomoyo back today, and probably Kero in a day or two.

Now, I must resist the urge to app Eagle...