August 7th, 2009

[info]badass_dammit in [info]kiseki_ooc


I'm nowhere near the most frequent user of the OOC comm, so I figured I could throw this out here without it being considered spamming.

While most characters have several crack pairings planned for this event, and some of them are being played simultaneously with no regards to space and time, I had this thought the other night: Koryuu, as some of you know, has trouble wrapping his brain around the point of monogamy. Now, I have three requited and one unrequited pairing planned for him for the event, so I was wondering if the muns involved in those would like to not disregard time and space in his case, and be up for him two-timing on your poor character with others? He wouldn't even get the fuzz, really, but if you'd like, it would give Umi and Chun Hyang reason to glare at each other and be heartbroken and/or demand that Koryuu picks one or the other. JL's Fay, if she wants, could be all "*JEALOUS!!1! * n__n~*~*~*~" and Kobato could go "...?" in a corner.

Y/N, anyone?