August 1st, 2009

[info]emeraldwind in [info]kiseki_ooc

Chara Shuffle

I'm not back yet, I just happen to have internet atm and wanted to post this ;;;

So, with the upcoming crack pairing event, I was thinking we could do a random shuffle to pair charas without plans up. It might be fun/encourage random interaction/create some silly pairs/help anyone out who doesn't know what to do with their charas. Since there can be more than one crack pairing per chara, even if you've already made plans, you can still participate in the shuffle.

So just comment with the charas you want involved in the shuffle, which I'll do at a much later date, I just wanted to give people ample time to sign up.

Also, state if there's a type of pairing you're uncomfortable with? Like age differences or if you don't want someone to be paired up with a certain character b/c they're too platonic or w/e. That way I'll know to re-shuffle.