July 30th, 2009

[info]kuroninja in [info]kiseki_ooc


Hey guys! I'm sorry it's so sudden, but I'm going away for a few days! I'll be back Sunday night. Everyone's staying, feel free to godmod with my guys as much as you need. I'm sorry for all the threads in limbo now, it sort of happened unexpectedly or else I'd have planned better, ahaha.

See you guys on Sunday! (If I'm not back in time, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALY)

/uses this icon for JL.

[info]chemistryislove in [info]kiseki_ooc


Tomorrow I'm flying down to Perth for a few days, where I most likely will not have internet access. I'll be home by Monday night/Tuesday morning, but until then Fai-sensei, Mamakura, Chise and Chun Hyang won't be tagging or anything. They're not poofing out again or anything, but yeah. I might get online to check my email and stuff once or twice, but otherwise I'll see you guys on Monday. 

Oh yeah, and happy birthday, Aly.

And I did not post in the wrong place. Shut up, JL.