June 5th, 2009

[info]thecreepster in [info]kiseki_ooc

So I've been having random bursts of inspiration for someone new for a while and... kept running into the problem of "I can't think of anything I'd really do with this chara for a long period of time."

Then Robin enabled me and apparently that all went to hell. e_e YES I PICKED THIS GUY. Out of all the people to bring back orz.

A-add him again? I'm re-reading Clover and have lots of work for the next few days, but yeah. Hi. |D;;


[info]really_pedobait in [info]kiseki_ooc


...lol oh hey. I fail. A lot. (But not as much as Ana?!) Please add Ran, from Clover. He is adorable and pedobait and everyone (read, Gingetsu) loves him! \o/

OTL, my life.
This is Robin, btw ._.

friend add really_pedobait