April 30th, 2009

[info]bokuwakimiwo in [info]kiseki_ooc

\o\ /o/ \o/

Okay, so, two things:

a) I'm giving up and dropping Rikuou ([info]keepsearching), 'cause I've been trying to find inspiration for him for weeks now and it's just NOT WORKING, jskgkdf. Muse is deaaaad idk what the hell happened there. Sorry to my castmates, I know I suck. orz

b) Ana and I are awesome at resisting temptations and not enabling each other. So, please re-add dead!Seishirou ([info]bokuwakimiwo) and Sakurazukamori!Subaru ([info]well_fuck). Clearly one set of emotastic, bloody, mismatched eyes!SxS is not enough!

Alternatively, "clearly nine characters is not enough".

We're undecided about resetting them, so we'll clear that up later.

That is all 8|