April 28th, 2009

[info]anewsmile in [info]kiseki_ooc

UHHH semi-hiatus until 17th June lol sob.

Will be fairly scarce throughout June, less so during May but. ARGH GCSES WRRRYYY.

This affects Fay ([info]anewsmile), Sakura ([info]canholdyourhand) and Oruha ([info]morethanasong).

/goes to be a corpse sleep

[info]lonelybird in [info]kiseki_ooc

hiatuuuus D:

Hey guys! I’m gonna be gone for the rest of the week/into the next due to finals aaand this ... flu thing I’ve caught. IT ISN’T THE SWINE FLU I hope oh god why BUT I’D LIKE TO BE SAFE JUST IN CASE! So this’ll affect Suu ([info]lonelybird), my only character here. Assume she’ll be hanging around Oruha most of the time stalking listening to her sing and exploring a lot? ♥

[info]little_piggy in [info]kiseki_ooc

Brilliant idea?

Okay, so JL said I should post this here rather than in the Event suggestions page.

I got the idea when Maria replayed the dream event some time ago: those familiar with RGV know that Ashura's fire powers have a habit of getting a little out of hand when he's distressed. Now, let's say I were to replay the dream event and give him a really vivid nightmare about Yasha dying or something along those lines, and let's say Ashura were to (quite logically) be in his hotel room when having this dream.

Would anyone think it'd be fun to have a little "omg the hotel is on fire everyone evacuate the building" adventure at some point? Naturally, it wouldn't have to be quite that dramatic - for example, just a part of the hotel could be in need of evacuation, leaving it optional to have your character affected.
