April 19th, 2009

[info]preys in [info]kiseki_ooc

T-Two things.

- Lol sob apparently my life decides to suck when there's an epic event going on. I'm sorry, but I need to call a semi-hiatus until at least next Monday, possibly longer. I'm working a lot of days in a row and RL in general has been failing a lot for me recently and I need to... just decompress and relax a bit when I can, which includes not stressing about RP for a while. I'll be tagging sporadically here and there but probably won't get to anything unless you poke me. Which may mean a lot of backlogging when I get back I guess.

- In the interest of not over-stressing about RP... I need to let a couple of characters go again. I really wanted to try with Subaru at least because he's so new and everything, but I... can't devote the time to trying to develop him properly. It's entirely due to utter fail on my part, so I'm sorry. And... I'm afraid Sayaka's muse is apparently very flightly. Baww I'm sorry everyone ;__;

friend remove seimawarino
friend remove sayaka-sensei


/drops dead asleep argh