April 12th, 2009

[info]morethanasong in [info]kiseki_ooc

Lin and Robin are demons. And Aly's just no help.

That is all. Please friend add morethanasong. =3= So here, have another pretty CLAMP lady. I'll post with her once I finish with her icons... which might be tomorrow morning, but hey!

[info]littlepuppylove in [info]kiseki_ooc

Egads, I am in the ooc comm!

Hey everyone, Robin here with lucky number 7~ ♥

Yuzuriha from X! She's from the start of volume 15, so she has yet to confess to Kusanagi or get Inuki back. Treat her nicely and app her canonmates go say hello to her.

[info]sweetlittledove in [info]kiseki_ooc

I'm in the OOC comm again~

N-not a hiatus notice, though.

Oh, hey~! I woke up with a swollen left eyelid today! \o/ Problem is, the swell's keeping my left eye from opening and my right eye's vision is pretty low so I'll be having trouble reading. I might be slow at tagging because of it. ;;;