April 9th, 2009

[info]sapphiresea in [info]kiseki_ooc

Teeny semi-hiatus!

I have relatives over for Easter stuffs and got roped into an egg hunt and all, so I may be scarce during the following four days. I'll still be around and tagging but may be slower than usual.

Full activity from Monday on.

Just a heads up~ /o/

[info]ex_sweetsorr65 in [info]kiseki_ooc


It's fixed! It's fixed! 8D

...and aside from that, my school's term ended yesterday so basically,  nothing will keep me busy until the end of May \o/. 

[info]kazahaya in [info]kiseki_ooc

Augh, I realize I haven't been very active and will unfortunately have to call a mini hiatus until Sunday or so. I have a lot of homework and kind of broke my nose yesterday so things are a bit hectic. See you all soon!