February 22nd, 2009

[info]anewsmile in [info]kiseki_ooc


and obnoxious as ever, could you tell?

eta: ROBIN HURTS MY SOUL. fai's been updated to the middle of chapter 209. everyone will be coming back in drips and drabs.

[info]sweetlittledove in [info]kiseki_ooc

Heya~! [\o/] *hugs all of Kiseki* Early return because my professor forgot that it's a holiday here on Monday. NO EXAMS 8D~! A-and I'm feeling slightly better now (except for the reddish eyes X3) but anyway, THANK YOU EVERYONE~! *gives another massive hug*

Oh, Kobato's been updated to Vol 3, Drop 10 and Presea to the opening chapters of Vol 6.