February 20th, 2009

[info]smallest_victor in [info]kiseki_ooc


Okay, so, I *was* planning to reserve a character from the MKR manga. Went and found my books, and... Well. They're the old ones, from waaay back when TokyoPop was Mixx Manga. Half the pages from all six books are missing, fallen out, or just ruined (so embarrassing; I'm usually so much more careful with books). I don't have the time or money to go buy series all over again, so... Summaries? Scanlations? Anything? I really, really do not like using Wikipedia because it usually misses so many important things, or only takes from one canon. The only reason I apped Hatoko was because I have all the volumes of the Angelic Layer manga.

So, can anyone help a girl out? Thanks!