February 14th, 2009

[info]made_in_heaven in [info]kiseki_ooc

... lol hi eveyone.

several things on the agenda:
firstly, i am going on a hiatus/semi-hiatus for this following week, up til next saturday, in order to go and potentially make an idiot out of myself on ski-slopes in various parts of europe. i say hiatus/semi-hiatus because i don't know whether i'll be getting internet access in germany, though i'm taking my laptop just in case. 8|b

secondly, i'm dropping yuui and teeny!kuro. the former because... i meant to drop him ages ago, because he has no canonmates and because i'm not doing all i can with him, and the latter because... idk i could never really get a feel for him. i'm sorry. ;A; he was fun, but i couldn't get comfortable and i'm far too paranoid a person, it would seem. so, please friend remove cakecrumbs and teenyninja.


ETA: LOL I ALWAYS FORGOT. This affects 185!Fai, CCS!Touya, Dita, Kamui and, obviously Kohaku but yeah. Everyone's staying apart from Fai, who will disappear all of a sudden on Sunday morning or something because I want to torture Kuro and Aly because he's... not been updated for almost a year. :D;;;

[info]smallest_victor in [info]kiseki_ooc

New Meat, yay~

Hey there guys~! I'm Pari, AKA Chloe, and I bring you the most awesome preschooler ever, better known as Hatoko Kobayashi from Angelic Layer! She's 5, she's cute, and yeah. I hope to do well. Hover or do that

friend add smallest_victor

thing. My AIM is chloeisangenius, so please feel free to add me! I'll have her intro post up soon. :3 I hope to see you all soon. I'm looking at you, Koutarou.