January 10th, 2009

[info]greenwind in [info]kiseki_ooc

Okay, you might have noticed that I haven't been around a lot lately? I just fail massively and this isn't working at all. Ssoooo. It's hiatus tiem.

And I'm sending all my charas home, except for Akira's moms. -__-;;; Honestly, I'm sorry, but I think I need to take some time off. And... I think I'll be away for... about a week or so. I hope it doesn't have to be longer than that. I'll do some serious re-reading and collecting my motivation back and then do an epic return. I hope. Though I might not bring all the charas back right away, I was thinking of having a break with Hideki and Kend anyway.

But really, I'm so sorry. >_>;; I'll try to finish the unfinished threads at some point too. There are a few that I really want to finish.

Sooo. Affected:

Fye [info]akuma_sensei - leaving Kiseki
Hideki [info]forevervirgin - leaving Kiseki
Fuu [info]greenwind - leaving Kiseki
Kendappa [info]kendappa_ou - leaving Kiseki
Ryuu-ou [info]machowife - leaving Kiseki
Takeshi [info]takepon - leaving Kiseki
Tenou [info]wantedchild - leaving Kiseki
Akira's moms [info]we_want_it - Staying but not playing

[info]purefighter in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hiatus... again.

Queen of Hiatuses here.

You may or may not have noticed that I've been basically nonexistent, both here and on LJ for about a week. I'm just sort of feeling down and my motivation for doing, well, pretty much anything is basically zero. I will definitely be back, and probably within a week, if not sooner, I just need to get back into the swing of school and managing my time while not completely dying, orz.

Everyone's going home because that's how I roll. o/

[info]sweetlittledove in [info]kiseki_ooc

I fail and didn't announce this.

I'm in the OOC comm again to announce a hiatus starting Monday my time, GMT+8. Trimester in my school started last Thursday and unfortunately my new dorm's wifi connection doesn't even reach our area in the dormitory [D8] so for the time being, I won't be able to go online this week until the LAN cable I asked for is installed. Regarding school, erm, I have lots of free time [I think people in f-list in lj saw my schedule already especially for Tuesday XD] so I think, I'll be able stay active unless it's our midterms or finals week.

I'll still be able to go online tomorrow, btw. I'm just posting this in advance because I will surely forget to do it tomorrow.

[info]nantokanaruyo in [info]kiseki_ooc

Just posting a reminder for the event! This weekend, Kisekians dissappear and there'll be puppies, kittens and bunnies all around o/