December 15th, 2008

[info]anewfight in [info]kiseki_ooc

Annnnnd wasting no time doing this before I go to bed.

Aly/Mokona/TRC!Ryuu-ou with a third character. Because I'm easily enabled I love things. Or something IDK. Really, I was just enabled terribly in conjunction with a need to play him.

So here, have some Post-203 Kurogane. :D

I have to finish setting up his journal/uploading icons, so expect a post some time tomorrow!

So yeah, pls 2 b addin him!

o-orz, I swear I'll app someone outside of TRC one of these days

[info]ouchmyspleen in [info]kiseki_ooc


Ohai, unannounced and unplanned-for three day hiatus. |D;;;

But, um, I'm back from that and from my semi-hiatus! :D And on break until January. Also, eeee little!characters. Best thing to come back to. ♥

[info]spacecop in [info]kiseki_ooc

Liz Jr. here, with my fourth character, Erii from Duklyon! I have to continue to wage my eternal war against screentones finish her icons, but hopefully I'll get a post up soon.

So, um, please add her. She's not as abusive as she looks?

friend add spacecop

[info]srs_business in [info]kiseki_ooc

Haaaaay guys.

Ana here, doing the obligatory 'I caved and picked someone new up' post. So here's Suoh from CCD, please add him and all that. ♥ I... might be slow because Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the bane of my existence. But hopefully I'll get to be around some! Anyway.

[info]unluckyflower in [info]kiseki_ooc

Robin loves the OOC comm, yes she does.

HEY GUYS DID YOU KNOW I WAS ON SEMI-HIATUS? Shocking, but true. Anyway... I got my computer back on Friday, but I've been without my files (long story, basically the ITC at my school fails.) So not only will I be retrieving those tomorrow, I am approaching the horrible crunch time that is end-of-the-semester shenanigans.

So for the next two or three days I'll be away from the computer (...supposedly. If I'm smart and study, lol.) But after all that BS is over with, you shall have me all to yourselves until the end of January.

Wish me luck on my impossible finals! \o/