December 7th, 2008

[info]purefighter in [info]kiseki_ooc

Ugh, I'm so sorry about this.

So, I haven't been around for a couple of days, due to school stuff, and then I got the Migraine From Hell, so now I have even more school stuff to catch up on. I thought it would be better if I took a couple of days for an official hiatus instead of just... disappearing. Ugh. I'm really, really sorry about this.

This affects Misaki and Zima, because Yuuko was already gone.

[info]blackmeatbun in [info]kiseki_ooc

jesus christ it's a mokona, GET IN THE CAR

fhaghadjkhakg omg i don't know what to say /FLAIL

um ok. so. HI EVERYONE! i'm naru, and i'll be bringing larg/the teeny black boozer mokona from xxxholic! ♥ i was coerced into joining and i'm really happy to be here ;3 i can be found on aim at virtualresonance and um. uhhh. WELL YEAH HI EVERYONE!

oh and add me plz xD