October 14th, 2008

[info]lovely_defect in [info]kiseki_ooc


LOL way to go, self. My unannounced three day hiatus is over nao! |D;;

Don't worry, this post ain't completely pointless. I've come to announce my dropping of Ogata! Srsly, why do I always lag on drops for no reason? ALAS!

friend remove wiggle_bitch

[info]latefromschool in [info]kiseki_ooc


I'm back as well. My hiatus ended up much longer than I expected and I feel I should apologize.
I'm also dropping bebbie!Seishirou since I can't really come up with anything interesting for him to do. Thank you for everyone who played with him.

friend remove bloodyflorist

I think I will start slowly by bringing only Miyuki-chan back. I'll bring others back by the end of this week (we hope).
Again, sorry for being away so long and I hope future will be bright for us.