September 15th, 2008

[info]kuroninja in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey everyone! My dad's had an accident so I'm going on hiatus for a while until I'm sure he's stable. He has a skull fracture and is in the hospital now. We're all staying positive and right now his brain pressure's low and he's stable, so thus far he's doing well.

It's the next couple of days that'll show us if he needs a more drastic surgery or if the blood will drain and the pressure will relieve itself on its own. So until I know what's going on I think we're going to be practically living in the hospital.

Thanks guys! All characters are staying! I'll finish threads and stuff once things are less hectic.

[info]nantokanaruyo in [info]kiseki_ooc

Okay guys, real hiatus this time (I think?) mostly 'cause RL's a freaking mess atm.