September 13th, 2008

[info]greenwind in [info]kiseki_ooc

Okay~ Aleksi and I will be busy with moving and stuff for some time so it's hiatus-time!

I'm not going to be away more than a few days but dunno about Aleksi. :p He says he'll be away longer.


Fuu, Fye-sensei, Kendappa, Tenou, Hideki, Ryuu-ou who will all stay... I guess

annd Taishakuten, Lantis, Miyuki and Seishirou (the "bebbie" one) who will all the four of them be returning home!

OMG, enjoy your Tai-free time, RGV-charas and almost-RGV-charas.

[info]maincourse in [info]kiseki_ooc

I'm not sure, but I may be going on a hiatus the next days, 'cause I dunno if I'm staying home or what.

I- I just don't wanna disappear without notifying everyone.

Eta: Y-yeah I'm supposedly banned from using the PC. Only Dad thinks that by turning off the monitor, he's turning off the PC itself, so I could probably still sneak in at times.

But this was a good call e_e;