September 11th, 2008

[info]nantokanaruyo in [info]kiseki_ooc



ilu guys ;o;bbbbb

[info]securitysystem in [info]kiseki_ooc


A-anyway. I'm back, hello. Have had a week of much needed rest and return with a lot of vim and vigour. Kamui isn't back just yet, mind, as I'm still catching up on X and such things, but he'll be back in the next few days, I'm sure. I missed this place ahahahaha ♥

[info]frillyaprons in [info]kiseki_ooc


Two things!

First and most obvious, I've picked up CCS!Fujitaka from volume 10 (mostly so I don't have to go "lol who are you?" when he meets Syaorans). So, please add him.

Second, my semi-hiatus is over~ I'm still not going to be as active as I was over the summer (obviously) but I'm ready to do some logging. And not in the lumberjack-y way.