August 13th, 2008

[info]unholy_prophet in [info]kiseki_ooc

Guess which my favourite series is?

*poke poke* Anyone alive in here? Are you all busy watching the Olympics, or what?

Anyway. Here's Andrea, a.k.a. Ashura-mun, with her second character, Kujaku. All parents, keep an eye on your littlest children and add him, please. I'll post with him as soon as I get enough icons.

[info]highmoon in [info]kiseki_ooc

I've been beating myself up over doing this for a while now, but. I don't think it's fair to put it off anymore. I'm dropping TRC!Yukito. :( He's been great to play, but even with an amazing Touya and cute bebbies, I'm still having trouble making him interact with other people and I don't think I can push myself to play him anymore.

I'm sorry guys. :/

friend remove highmoon

[info]profail in [info]kiseki_ooc

I- it feels wrong if I don't post here.

He's from right after the group leaves Nihon o/