July 31st, 2008

[info]akuma_sensei in [info]kiseki_ooc

Unexpected hiatus -_-

Okay... my comp went kaboom. No idea what to do about it or if it can be fixed at all or anything...

So it's hiatus time. -____-;;; S-sorry... I don't know how long this will take. ._.;; On the other hand I'm really busy right now so I wouldn't have been able to rp much anyway (plus I have a summer camp this weekend). I'll have to see what I can do next week. I'll probably go back to Tampere anyway so then I'll have my other computer there.

This applies to Fuu, Fye-sensei, Kendappa-ou, Yamazaki, Shuuko, Hideki and Tenou.

Edit: ................................

lsagkhasgfuaiofudj HIKARU

lafjsalkfdifaghsjkghsjkghslgkhsdlkgsdflkjdfklkasfjlakdsfjadfkjhfadkjh I HATE THE WORLD SO MUCH

[info]slackercom in [info]kiseki_ooc

Liz (Misaki-mun~) here, off of my sort-of-hiatus, and bringing my second character, Zima, from Chobits! You know you love him. Hope I don't fail too hard, haha. ;; Add slackercom, please? |DD