June 27th, 2008

[info]shuuko in [info]kiseki_ooc

ahjhkaoisslkk damniiit ;;__;; I just realized I'll be away this weekend (my first gay pride event ever \o/ *excited*) soooo I won't be around for the festival ... you guys mind backdating a lot? Especially um... Chiharu, H!Kuro, Chii, Umi... am I forgetting someone?

.... >__>;; I just fail. Also sorry I haven't been playing much at all last few days.

I probably won't be able to play a lot tomorrow either so it's hiatus time now already.

I'm back on Monday. Affects Shuuko, Yamazaki, Kendappa, Fye-sensei, Hideki and Fuu.

*Tuul goes to sleep because sleep is needed - very much needed*

[info]bellbelle in [info]kiseki_ooc

Drop :(

So, I'll spare you guys the TL;DR here. I've done all I can with Kotoko and while I'll be reaaally sad about it, I'm going to go ahead and drop her. I sucked at keeping her active and the inspiration isn't there anymore.

friend remove bellbelle