June 20th, 2008

[info]bloodyflorist in [info]kiseki_ooc

Cptboo with new creepy chara. This time it's bebbie Seishirou. Dunno how active I can be atm for we now have access to only one computer and it'll be quite hard to kick Tuul away from it...

Anyway add him please while I think about how manage this event with him.

[info]personjustforme in [info]kiseki_ooc

Chii's back!

I got out early! o/ So, Chii's back in Kiseki~ Thank you to everyone for your well wishes. :D
I might still be a little slow replying. I traded in hospital stay for a lottt of doctors visits, bleh.
Other than that, I'm really glad to be back and able to play with everyone again. ♥ I missed you guys.

afdsklhgdskj is that a Hideki?!? DDDDDDDD| ♥♥♥ Tuul, I love you. ;o;b