June 12th, 2008

[info]sakura_hime in [info]kiseki_ooc

Even though I love her dearly, I think I'm going to have to drop Sakura-hime. Her muse has ran off a while ago and I'm just not sure what to do with her anymore. Since I shall be picking up another chara soon, I guess it's the best time to do this. >: So please remove Sakura-hime from your friends list.

Admin console

friend remove sakura_hime

[info]kuroninja in [info]kiseki_ooc

2 drops.

Sorry, guys. I'd hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I'm going to have to drop Saiga. I don't have much for him to do anymore.

And also, I'm really, reeeeally sorry Maria (I loved your Kokuyo so much, and I had a lot of fun RPing with you) but I think I'm also going to have to let Hisui go. The muse just refuses to come back. I'm really sorry. I feel terrible.

If any of the onsen workers want to take over the onsen, go for it.

[info]doctordramatics in [info]kiseki_ooc

L-lol, okay, short hiatus again. ;;;;

It's just until sometime on Sunday, maybe Monday, depending on whether I'll be alive by the end. |D; I'm off to walk around a town, question people and collect data from geography coursework. It promises to be a world of fun, of course.

This applies to Kyle, Kokuyo, 185!Fai and C!Syaoran (who will be returning after this weekend, I should hope), the Touyas and Kohaku. ^^