May 16th, 2008

[info]akuma_sensei in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hiatus & stuff about the courage test

Okay, two things

First: Hiatus! We're going to Amsterdam until Monday~ ("we" meaning that this applies to Aleksi too)

Fye-sensei will be busy working on the courage test, of course.
Kendappa is doing Kendappa things (she isn't that active anyway :/)
Fuu... will be either in the hospital (she works there) or in the arcade. :D
Mokona is being Mokona and jumping at people's faces or something.
Yamazaki will be popping up into people's conversations to lie and get dragged away by Chiharu.

Second: I was thinking that even though Fye would definitely enjoy scaring people, I don't want to bother anyone else so unless someone really wants to stay outside to take care of things there (which would mean that you'll be the one who has to keep an eye on the log), Fye will be doing that. And... here's what I think the log will be like )

If you have anything to comment on the courage test, tell me here. I can't answer before Monday, though. Sorry. ^^;

[info]ihas3eyes in [info]kiseki_ooc


... Yes, as Tuul said before me, we are going on a hiatus.

Mokona stays in Yuuko's shop drinking and playing. Miyuki will be buying some new clothes and doing homework. Taishakuten stays in his rooms and journal stalks people. Lantis... does nothing.

I should have been on semi-hiatus for some time now, since I haven't been able to post stuff. After the trip there shouldn't be anything else for me to do except studying for the entrance exams so I hope I can play more...

[info]suama in [info]kiseki_ooc

UM. My journal said that I'd be back today..but plans changed once I was out of the computer shop. (which I am in, again :P) I'm extending for two more days, including today.

Anyway, I'm posting to let you guys know something I forgot to say in my previous hiatus notice. T.T

Seraph~ you can godmod Tomoyo while I'm gone, if anything should happen in the days I'm not playing. =w=

And Tuul~ you can godmod Chiharu. :D

Maria~ Wait for Nakuru~~~~♥

Sakura-hime will be emoing quiet as usual. :x ... .. yeah.