April 24th, 2008

[info]seeninsucheyes in [info]kiseki_ooc

Two things!

Lawlz, everyone's doing this. |D;;;;

Okay, so I'm going on a semi-hiatus. I'll still be around, I'll still make threads, etc, but I may be a bit slow at replying. I've got loads of school work to deal with, since loads of my major exams and stuff are coming up, so my muses are coming and going, so if I'm slow, I'm sorry! You can poke me, throw a rock at me, whatever you like. I will be disappearing for some weekends, such as this coming one, but yes. I'll be around at most other times.

And, secondly, Fai's art class and club are now official!

And everything's under here~ )

Posted it in the wrong place again, jeez... ;;;;