April 8th, 2008

[info]peppyplum in [info]kiseki_ooc

Sumomo in da house

Hey sup guys!

Robin here with her sixth character, Sumomo! I break the dropping trend, I'm such a rebel.

Go say hi to her! Or better yet, app some Chobits characters, so that Kiseki's not just overrun with TRC and CCS characters. Not that I have any right to talk about that, considering where the bulk of my characters come from orz ;

ANYWAYS. Add [info]peppyplum! :D

[info]jadeangel in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey everyone. Uh. Hisui is back, so please re-add her? Thanks a lot  :)

She's from volume two of Wish!

[info]kurotamago in [info]kiseki_ooc

4th Character

Insane journal is being mean to me. D: It takes forever to load pages. Hope it'll be better later.

Anyway Cptboo and Black Mokona. Hope we will get along well.