April 1st, 2008

[info]minininja in [info]kiseki_ooc

OOC gift list

C-cause everybody was doing it and I just wanted to be popular! D:

....Not that there's much point for me, since my characters are jerks and not giving gifts to people.

Also, damn all of you for being hard to shop for. orz.
Also, I'm still on hiatus wtf am I doing here?

From Himawari ([info]unluckyflower):
To Watanuki: A yukata (are they called that for dudes? I fail) that'll have a matching colour scheme to Doumeki's gift*
To all the Sakuras: Nice boxes with chocolates in them
To TRC!Syaorans: Nice boxes with chocolates in them

Himawari is uncreative today.

From Tiny!Sakura ([info]kindheart):
To tiniest!Syaoran: A book about fossils* (lol, idk I fail)
To the other TRC!Syaorans: those weird magic bean message things and they say something campy like "you're awesome." Or something.
To all the Sakuras: These deranged cat plush toy things

*'d gifts are to be given in person

My other characters are not giving gifts because they don't know the characters and/or got more important things to do (read: Neko Musume |D)

[info]iseedeadspirits in [info]kiseki_ooc


From Kurogane ([info]kuroninja ):

To teeny Sakura, a bag of cat food since it’s practical and not mushy. And this pink ninja cape minus the princessy shit.

To TRC!Sakuras, similar cloaks (less childish) and strawberry ice ‘cause sorry, he SUCKS for buying girl gifts.

To the TRC!Syaorans, this sword sharpening kit since he’s STILL YOUR TEACHER, BIRTHDAY BE DAMNED.

From teeny!Fai ([info]sintolive ):

To teeny!Syaoran, caramels.

To teeny!Sakura, pink caramels.

From Watanuki ([info]iseedeadspirits ),

All the Syaorans and Sakuras who have birthdays get bento filled with homemade snacks.

From Clow ([info]crypticardtrick ),

CCS!Sakura and TRC!Sakuras all get anonymous greeting cards with pictures of Kero and Yue on them with caramel apples attached. ‘Cause he’s weird and anonymous that way :D

[info]sakura_chan in [info]kiseki_ooc

gift list :D

Here's the gift list~ I also hate how everyone is so hard to shop for. Except I play half the Sakuras... *sulks*

[info]sakurazuka_mori in [info]kiseki_ooc


Con's over, so technically I'm back. XP No new card yet, but should get it within the next two weeks.

EDIT: Still gone. WTF seriously?

[info]akuma_sensei in [info]kiseki_ooc

Fye-sensei's teaching

Someone asked about the lessons at the school so I'm telling you something about Fye-sensei's lessons~

Class 1:

For class 1 most of the lessons have been pretty practical and mostly just fun. If it's sunny, he has made them go out and make notes about the flowers and animals they see and stuff like that. They also have a little window garden in the classroom and the students each take care of one plant and report to others how it's going.

He has taught them stuff like what clouds are made of and what causes thunder and why do things always fall down when they are dropped and so on. Things he thinks might be interesting to kids. Often he'll just ask if there's something they'd like to ask. And there's some maths of course. The math lessons are whenever he feels like it, pretty much. xD He likes to do them to bother those who hate it. It's really simple of course and he likes to teach through practical examples. But you also have those annoying and boring math problems with only the numbers too, just because. :p

Class 2:

Class 2 have harder math problems and they have math lessons more often than the little kids. They have lots of chemistry too, because he likes teaching it the most. And chemistry in Fye's case means they will do lot's of experiments. Often rather dangerous ones so you'd better get used to leaving the lesson without your eyebrows or your face funnily coloured and hair sticking out.


You are quickly learning that Fye-sensei isn't very predictable. Somedays he'll give you tons of homework, somedays nothing at all (especially if he's planning to do something fun with you later). He might check if you did it or not. If you get caught, though, you will have to do double amount of extra work. And you will be teased about it for the rest of the lesson.

If you've ever wondered if some teacher gives you so much work just to be mean... well, in Fye's case it's exactly that. xD

He's very easily distracted if you mention anything about something fun. "Fun" includes parties, drinking, anything that Yuuko-sensei comes up with, teasing people, cute animals, Kurogane, etc. He doesn't have a strict plan for lessons, meaning that if he feels like it, he might decide to change the subject.

He doesn't really have any favourite students 'cause he likes them all so much. He does have certain students who will get teased (even more than others). If you are one of the people, who are fun to tease, you know what to expect. If you have a tendency of doing something constantly (like being late, forgetting your homework, having a hard time with a certain subject) he will let you hear about it. A lot. But if you're really bad at lots of things, he'll also keep reminding you (in a sneaky kind of way) about the things you're good at.

Also, he likes to say that all sorts of weird things will affect your grades but you'll notice later that they won't.

He's never late from lessons and is pretty quick at reviewing essays and tests. He also spends lots of time at the school even after lessons.

Today's lesson:

You had a surprise test today. Both classes. It was LONG and insanely difficult with a lot of stuff that he hasn't even taught you yet. There were easy questions too but you could hardly concentrate on them because there were so MANY. AND Fye-sensei told you they will affect your grades. They won't but you don't know that. (Actually the point of the test was to figure out how much each student knows about the subjects he's teaching so he'll know what kind of lessons would be best.)

He won't have your answers checked until next week because it WAS long. xD


I think that's all... Tell me if you have questions and/or suggestions!

It would be fun to do a log but... mun sucks at sciences and math. xD And I have absolutely no idea what the terms are in English. A lesson with class 1 could be alright, of course, if you'd like.

(I have a funny feeling that this entry is full of language mistakes. -_-;; Sorry, in case I'm right. Too tired to check.

Oh yeah, if someone would like to help me with school vocabulary, I'd be really grateful. *___*)

I'm sorry, I'll be a bit lazy at answering today... it's really annoying, I'd have liked to do something fun with Fye-sensei 'cause it's April Fool's Day but I'm so tired. ._.

[info]cross_myheart in [info]kiseki_ooc

Mun Flails At Life

First order of business, birthdays!

Toshi's gifts to......
Sakura-chan ([info]sakura_kinomoto) ---> this paperweight thing  (he thought it looked cool) and a little plush

Sakura-ni ([info]kindheart) --->  because every kid should have ice cream while being the scariest and tallest Purple Gojira there ever was

Syaoran-kun ([info]chiisanakokoro) ---> to sketch his nifty archeological finds with

Fuji's gifts to...
Sakura-chan ([info]sakura_chan) and Sakura-chan ([info]kindheart) and Sakura-chan ([info]sakura_kinomoto) all get to put in a song request at the parade. 

Needlees to say, Toshi is now flat broke.  He does not regret it.  Fuji does.  Everyone will get their present when Toshi sees them next!

Parade Notice~
Almost everyone is accounted for! If you want to be in it please respond here!  Once everyone is checked in I'll post a date~! Hopefully.  The list on this account for the parade has/is being updated~~

Btw, Toshi is working hard on Project Codename: Youou.[info]sakura_kinamoto</lj>