March 9th, 2008

[info]kindheart in [info]kiseki_ooc

New character

Hi everyone, it's Robin with her sixth character. Cause I'm bad at resisting things...

Anyways, I'm here with baby-Sakura, so please go say hi to her and treat her nicely. ♥
I hope I do her well, I'll try my best!

[info]iseedeadspirits in [info]kiseki_ooc

Hey everyone! Picked up Watanuki from after the window incident.

Now my Holic girls can cheer up ♥

[info]profail in [info]kiseki_ooc

Quick note; this Syaoran has gone back home for the last few days, and is now up to date with canon /o/

[info]dragondaddy in [info]kiseki_ooc

This is me, late to every party.

My internet's acting pretty funky. I still can't figure out why, so I might be even more in-and-out than usual lD;

A-also, it saddens me to drop CCS!Sakura, but the muse is gone >: