March 5th, 2008

[info]hanato_kobato in [info]kiseki_ooc


My muses are completly gone, so I'm going on hiatus till I finish some work I have to do, which will probably take me around 15 days ;;;; I'm sorry m(_ _)m

Affected characters:
Kobato (</a></strong></a>[info]hanato_kobato)
pre-series!Fay (</a></strong></a>[info]valerian_wizard)
Kazahaya (</a></strong></a>[info]fleeting_memory)

If I don't get my muses back by the time I finish my work I'll drop my characters. I don't want to keep them for so long if I'm not sure when I'll feel like playing them again, it's unfair for other people who may want to play them too.

I'll still reply to those people my characters are into a conversation with.

[info]civilservant in [info]kiseki_ooc

What? New character?

P--parron here. o/ Picking up Kigai Yuuto from X. He'll be pleased to meet you, I'm sure.

Don't ask me why I decided to suddenly grab him; I just find his apathy amusing in various ways. A-anyway, add [info]civilservant?