February 12th, 2008

[info]angel_dust in [info]kiseki_ooc


I'm sorry I didn't do this before now. I think it was because part of me wanted to believe I would be able to continue RPGing while managing RL.
I will be on an indefinite hiatus.
Again, sorry for the inconveniences, I really like Kiseki and don't want to drop it (s-so addicting TT  TT )

Characters: Horitsuba Yuui (</a></strong></a>[info]la_dolce_vita), real!Fye (</a></strong></a>[info]angel_dust) and Ashura-Ou (</a></strong></a>[info]ashura_ou ;; )

Much love,


[info]xchin in [info]kiseki_ooc

character intro!

Apparently I-

Oh, you've all heard the restraint jokes a zillion times.

Add Geo, please. He needs the love. He's too stuck on Eagle. /o\

WTF is this "SAM" mood theme all about?!

[info]blondemegane in [info]kiseki_ooc


Karen-mun with a fourth character. TRC!Eagle. Plz to be adding him? =D